Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Quick, Casual and Good! (Lamb & Red)

Tonight as a last minute thing, I ended up at C&L's house for dinner. This was a very nice thing because in addition to good food and wine, I get to read bed time stories. We got the kids to bed and then we sat down for lamb chops, broccoli and a wonderful Corton Clo du Roi 1999. I really liked this wine (I tasted some carmel, but overall a nice balance between a little earth and the sweetness (it wasn't sweet, just that hint that made it rich)) - L was so-so on it (disclaimer: he's a better judge of great wines, I'm a good judge of what I like (and he's a fabulous judge of what I will like)). I liked it because it was solid and good. It didn't reach for huge heights, but it didn't leave you in the lurch either. I would definitely drink it again (though, I might leave the pouring to someone else).

With all the talk recently on the Food Network, etc. on Ruhlman, Bourdain, et. al., I have been thinking a bit about food preparation. In the time it took me to get a 5 and 3 year old through their stories and snuggled (i.e., 'mostly' in bed), C managed to whip up a very tasty (and 'healthy') meal. It really doesn't have to take that long (and it doesn't need to involve non-food to make it quicker). And while a menu could be more 'glamorous' than lamb chops and garlic broccoli - it's hard to make it taste better.

And we had ice cream for dessert (calcium is very important!). (I had chocolate (Haagen Dazs), which worked remarkably well with the wine.)


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