Sunday, November 05, 2006

It's not that I'm lazy

The better reason is that one batch of cookie dough makes a lot of cookies. And unless one is entertaining - or has had a particularly bad day, it is really too much. And so I have realized that I can use technology to solve my problem; this must be what the freezer was invented for (Nestle and Pillsbury make cookie dough for the fridge, I don't use any preservatives in mine, so the freezer seems to make more sense). I make a full batch (or two), roll them into balls, freeze them (did I mention my love affair with Ziploc?)

and then whenever I want cookies, I just pop them on to a cookie sheet

and 15 minutes later (takes longer to cook frozen - that's the perfect amount of time to have them still soft), I have cookies even better than what you get in first class on some airlines (and notice that I use the nice china from my mom - not the plastic that the airlines do).

And so tonight, as I sit on my couch reading, I am able to enjoy three (okay, four) piping hot, soft and chewy chocolate-chip, oatmeal raisin cookies (use the Nestle recipe add 2 c of oatmeal and about as many raisins as chocolate chips). And milk.


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